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6 Jun


June 6, 2024

It has come to our attention that several of our members have received an unsolicited call/email from the following illegitimate companies with an improper “offer” to buy your membership and/or falsely indicating affiliation with Lifestyle Holidays Vacation Club, Inc. (the “Club”): Realty Centre LTD; Exotic Haven; Maracuya Events and Getaways; First Referral Network; HVC Highlands, Bear Claw Travel, Experience Professional Business Services, Luxury Travel, Premium Marketing Dept, Real Estate Hotel, Inc., etc.

LHVC would also like to remind our members that we are no longer affiliated with Lifestyle Rewards/Vacancy Rewards and have not utilized their products or services for many years. Scam companies are not affiliated with the Club in any manner and the Club has not authorized such companies or any individuals to contact any of the Members. Please note that the foregoing list of names is not the only false companies that may try and contact you as they are constantly changing their names, phone numbers and locations to avoid governmental punishment.

There is unfortunately an unprecedented industry-wide scam problem commonly referred as “rescue” companies, in which individuals on behalf of these sham companies and/or a fake buyer falsely promise to buy your membership and use information about your membership obtained from the internet (or from members themselves who actually provide their membership documents to these individuals/companies) along with deceit, half-truths and lies about the Club to lure unsuspecting and trusting Members into fraudulent membership transfers.

Please note that we are working with various government officials and our lawyers to prevent these “companies” from improperly contacting our Members for fraudulent purposes. As our member are our greatest asset, we are putting our full resources behind these efforts. If you ever get contacted by any of these companies, we recommend that you cease all contact with these companies and DO NOT provide them with any personal or membership information, including your credit card or debit card, nor should you pay them any money.

As always, should you have any concerns, questions (including dispelling any rumors or false stories about the health and vitality of the Club) or if you should get contacted by one of these sham companies, please immediately contact the Club at

Lifestyle Holidays Vacation Club, Inc.